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  • Getting back my motivation


    I have been slacking lately. I've got several projects that I am working on, but I keep getting distracted by work, or TV, or books, or sleep. I've been having a rough time snapping out of the real world and into my fictional ones.

    I got talking to a nice couple on the way home from FanX a couple of weeks ago, and in the course of that conservation, one of them told me about a local sci-fi/fantasy/horror writing symposium, called Life, The Universe, and Everything. It was kismet. I needed to recharge my creative batteries and get some motivation back, and here was this timely opportunity, that somehow I had never heard of before.

    So I went home and looked it up. Apparently it's been going on for years, and I had just been in the dark about it! *sob* Luckily, it was only two weeks away, so I scheduled time off from work, registered for the con, and booked a hotel room, because I'm a lazy bum and didn't want to make the 45 min drive to and from every day.

    The writing convention was amazing. Tons of friendly people and insightful panels, time to focus on just being creative, and a very welcoming and amiable atmosphere. I was quite impressed. I may go further in depth about the convention at a later time, since I took copious notes at every panel and kaffeeklatsch I attended, but for now I will just mention that it was a great experience.

    I was inspired to start carving my name into social media sites, but I have linked it back to other things I've written in the past. There are links to the right for my Facebook and Twitter (Google + to follow soon), as well as my personal blog that I have completely neglected for a couple of years, and a blog that has various things that I've written over the past 10 years (and have not posted anything new on in a while, unfortunately). I've also included a small synopsis off to the right about the two main projects I am working on at the moment. This weekend has re-energized me to work on them, and I will do my best to blog and tweet and post all about my progress! So feel free to follow along with me, and I'll try to make it worth the effort.

    [photo credit: https://www.facebook.com/LTUELifetheUniverseandEverythingSymposium]
    [photo credit: http://www.happyjar.com/comic/the-creative-process/]


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